I will start from a simple question,
widely debated and that has never found everyone in agreement:
is beauty objective?
In my opinion, yes it is.
That is why am dedicating my studies, my efforts, my life to achieving this state of universal harmony and applying it in everyday life through design.
Utopia? Probably yes, but the pursuit of harmony itself produces harmony.
An ecstatic sensation that the users of design themselves can enjoy, regardless of origin and social background.
The tools that I have decided to use in this long, arduous, wonderful journey are study, curiosity and eternal discovery.
And this is the word I would like to start from: discover.
I believe that beauty cannot be created, it can only be dis-covered
(from its own Latin term: dis-cooperire: un-cover).
Plato said that the idea of things is already present in them, like Michelangelo, who defined his sculpture as "l’arte di levare il soverchio"
(The art of removing the excess).
In that regard, too, in my little world, when I am asked to create an artifact, illustration, product or interior, I look for perfection in what already exists.
Tropical plants to learn how to combine colors, the proportions of an ancient architecture to create a typographic grid, the extraordinary graphic synthesis applied to coins in ancient Rome, the construction of Japanese kamons for the creation of logos.
In short, I believe that good design, to be such, must always mention the millennia of history and knowledge that the human being has produced.
But in a subtle, never predictable and obvious way.
Beauty is always whispered.